About me

Name: | Johannes 'josch' Schauer |
Email: | j.schauer@email.de |
IRC: | josch @ irc.freenode.net and irc.debian.org |
University: | Universität Würzburg |
Degree: | Master of Computer Science |
Occupation: | PhD student in Computer Science |
Academic interests
- 3D point cloud processing
- Simultaneous localization and mapping
- Dependency analysis of component based software
Other interests
- Debian (bootstrapping, dependency analysis, cross compilation, porting, quality assurance)
- reverse engineering of hardware and data formats and transmission protocols
- embedded and mobile computing (arduino, redbee-econotag, openmoko gta01/02/04, LEGO RCX, reprap mendel 3D printer, raspberry pi, touchbook, notion ink adam)
- server administration (virtualization, web, jabber, cloud storage, email, git, wiki)
- An introduction to the Bootstrap/Build Ordering Toolchain, Aug 16, 2013, DebConf13, Vaumarcus (Slides) (Video Mirror)
- Bootstrapping of component based software systems, Mar 22, 2013, Informatiktage 2013, Bonn
- Bootstrapping Debian-based distributions for new architectures, Feb 02, 2013, FOSDEM, Brussels (Slides) (Video Mirror)
- Bootstrapping Debian (or derivatives) for a new architecture, Sep 20, 2012, IRILL, Paris
- J. Schauer, A. Nüchter: Collision detection between point clouds using an efficient k-d tree implementation (Advanced Engineering Informatics)
- J. Schauer, A. Nüchter: Efficient point cloud collision detection and analysis in a tunnel environment using kinematic laser scanning and k-d tree search (Photogrammetric Computer Vision) (PDF)
- J. Elseberg, D. Borrmann, J. Schauer, A. Nüchter, D. Koriath, U, Rautenberg: A Sensor Skid For Precise 3D Modeling Of Production Lines (ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume II-5, 2014) (PDF)
- P. Abate, J. Schauer: Bootstrapping Software Distributions (ACM Conference Proceedings CBSE 2013) (PDF) (Slides)
- V. Bajpai, J. Schauer, J. Schönwälder: NFQL: An Efficient Tool for Querying Network Flow Records (Integrated Network Management (IM 2013), 2013 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management) (PDF)
- Master Thesis: Solving the Bootstrap Problem for Free and Open Source Binary Distributions (PDF)
- V. Bajpai, V. Bashko, C. David, S. Kuryla, V. Perelman, J. Schauer, N. Melnikov, A. Sehgal, J. Schönwälder: Design and Prototype Implementation of the WattsApp Telemetry Platform. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings-2012), Besançon, France, November 2012. (PDF)
- Girum Demisse, Razvan Mihalyi, Billy Okal, Dev Poudel, Johannes Schauer, and Andreas Nuechter Mixed Palletizing and Task Completion for Virtual Warehouses, In Virtual Manufacturing Automation Competition Workshop at the International Conference of Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Minnesota, USA, May 2012. (PDF) (Slides)
- Bachelor Thesis: Flowy 2.0, fast execution of stream based IP flow queries (PDF)
- Fist place at IEEE ICRA 2012 Virtual Manufacturing Automation Competition, St. Paul, Minnesota
- First place at first round of mathematics olympiad (2001)